
          Check out Kevin!

          Check out Ben!

   Call 218-640-1752

       Ask about the Kevin & Ben Special

Don't have enough subs to cover your PD day? No worries! Kevin and Ben have got your back! While Kevin inspires your teachers, Ben will inspire your students and vise-versa. Each of these guys can absolutely hold audiences transfixed at the same time so that you won't need substitutes. You don't even need to wait for a PD day. ANY day works for bringing their inspiration to your entire school!

Ever go to a presentation and get your socks knocked off? After all these years it's always a pleasant surprise when I see a presenter that impresses me a lot! Recently I witnessed Ben and what he can do to inspires a room and hold EVERY audience member transfixed! His sincerity and passion are intoxicating. If you get a chance to hear him or his message, buy the ticket and get in the front row!

Regardless of the situation, you will never bring in a speaker who brings more authenticity, energy and inspiration than Kevin.  He truly helps people feel like more is possible.

Is your school ready for hope and inspiration?
